Microneedling in Johnson City

What is RejuvaPen?

(Only offered at our Johnson City location)

Rejuvapen is a medical-grade, state-of-the-art precision microneedling device. It helps your skin become firmer and regain its elasticity. Fine lines and wrinkles are visibly reduced, pores become finer, circulation is stimulated, and the overall condition of your skin improves.

Rejuvapen Treats:

  • Acne scarring
  • Firming and tightening most body areas
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin tightening and rejuvenation
  • Enlarged pores
  • Stretch marks
  • Surgical and burn scars
portrait of a happy white woman

How Does RejuvaPen work?

Rejuvapen uses tiny needles to penetrate the skin. The sleek design allows your provider to control the speed and depth. Thousands of micro-perforations are created on the skin. As a result, the skin shifts its natural repair mechanism into high gear and starts producing collagen and elastin to repair these micro-perforations. This self-repairing property of the skin is a 100% natural form of skin renewal from the inside out. Rejuvapen’s advantage over other treatments is that it not only activates cell regeneration, it also enhances the absorption of topicals into the skin.

What  Can I Expect During My Appointment?

Before the Procedure:

Before your appointment, please be sure to follow the before care instructions that your provider will give you. This includes not using Accutane for the past 6 months. Also, no Retin-A products can be used 24 hours prior to treatment. In addition, no autoimmune therapies or products 24 hours prior to treatment.

We also ask that you avoid unprotected sun exposure for two weeks prior to treatment. We can’t treat sunburned skin. Also, if you are prone to cold sores, start your medication two days prior to your Rejuvapen treatment. Finally, on the day of your treatment, please arrive with freshly cleaned skin.

Your Aesthetician will apply numbing cream prior to your procedure.

Immediately after treatment, you will look as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn. Your skin may feel tighter and warmer than usual. This will usually subside within 24-36 hours. You may see slight redness after that period. Your normal skin care regimen can resume after 24-48 hours.

Be sure to follow the instructions from your provider for after care.

How Long Will My Results Lat?

After the initial treatment, patients often notice that their skin has a healthy pink glow and that fine lines are diminished. Skin naturally takes roughly four weeks to synthesize new collagen, but it is not until about four months that patients can see the full effect of Rejuvapen treatments. It is suggested that patients receive three to four treatments, spaced at least four weeks apart.